Pax Wallace
pianist, composer
I’ve just spent 20 years in Europe, the last 6 in cozy Copenhagen where I think I learned something, especially about the magnanimity of the human spirit. Perhaps the most amazing and reassuring realization I’ve managed to stumble across so far is that there is a goldilocks zone; a self-reinforcing feedback loop if you will, that can become a self-sustaining thing if one can remain in light; remain in gratitude and empathy if one can stay in that zone I’ve heard called ‘surrendered action’. This phenomenon encourages both intrepid adventure as well as simple acts of kindness.
Every time I was asked where I was from, I always heard myself answering involuntarily “Seattle”. So it is with some trepidation that (Pax from Seattle) now returns home. Playing all kinds of gigs in many varied circumstances from venues to restaurants to wakes to train stations has taught me that the music, yes jazz music too, can have the power to raise the vibration! It is my fervent wish, hope, intention, that I might be granted more opportunities to prove this point.
Pax Wallace December 30, 2021
Email: Phone: 206-909-1164
Donations Gratefully Accepted: VENMO paxplayspiano

Pax Wallace Trio
December 21st at Double Bluff Brewery
121 2nd St. Langley WA 98260
Pax Wallace Quintet
March 8th at Ott & Hunter Winery
204 1st Street Langley Wa 98206
Pax Wallace Trio
March 29th at 5:30 at Leo and Leto's Winery and Bistro
5511 South Freeland Ave Freeland WA 98249